Hope your week went well. Thanks for the extensive set of comments people left. Always fun to have a little baseball debate.
My goal with this blog is to alternate sports and non-sports topics so that I can mix it up for the non-sports fan and the sports fan.
I'm a big Disney guy. Always have been, probably always will be. I grew up in Orlando and still have my annual pass from when I was 5 years old. Nowadays I own an annual pass to Disneyland. It' s something that's stuck with me, something that's in my blood. However, that doesn't mean that every ride is perfect.
This list is a little more subjective than my last one. Here are the rules for this weekend's list:
1) Overrated means overrated. It does not mean bad or terrible. It simply means that a ride is not as good of a ride as people often say it is. Keep that in mind because people often mess up the word, and some of the rides on this list that are overrated I do generally like.
2) If I haven't ridden it, it is not eligible.
3) 3-D movies count as rides, parades and scheduled shows do not. I don't have any real legitimate reason for making this distinction.
4) The rating is based on what is overrated for me, me being a 19 year old male who likes thrill rides but has a healthy respect for nostalgia.
5) The length of the line for a ride does have an impact on my view of what a ride is rated.
6) The Disney Railroad and Monorail are not rides (but probably wouldn't make my list anyway)
Strangely enough, not one of these rides are in the generally unpopular California Adventure. Let the games begin!
5) The Enchanted Tiki Room
What it's rated as: This ride/show is rated as a must-see for ''true" Disney fans visiting the park. It was the first attraction at Disneyland to use animatronics. The song is considered a classic and it is viewed as a hidden treasure in Disneyland. The lines aren't long, but the experience is viewed as important.
Why it made this list: First off, let me get one thing clear. Old animatronics and animatronics in general are overrated. They didn't fool me as a kid and they look awkward and jerky (and not in an endearing way). It's a bit sad to see some of these old ones nowadays because the differe
The real problem with this show is that it's reached the point where it has moved from nostalgic to flat-out outdated. For those of you who haven't been on it, the ride is "hosted" by four birds: Jose, Pierre, Michael, and Fritz. All four have outrageous, borderline offensive accents. The one that stands out is Jose. He does that annoying, phony accent with too many ch- sounds where they don't belong. It's not realistic, and it's downright obsolete. Not to mention the jokes are terrible, and the songs are difficult to listen to. Sure there are some cool things about this ride. The illusion of rain is one, the tikis are another. But generally, this is vastly overrated and is a ride that people convince themselves they like more than they really do.
4) Autopia
How it's rated: An oldie but a goodie. A ride that allows kids to live up to the fantasy of driving a car well before they can drive. Is it a great ride? No, but it's a good one and a solid way to spend time at Disneyland. The lines are generally
Why it made this list: Wrong wrong wrong. This ride is not great, it's not good, it's downright bad. This is the one ride on this list that is simultaneously overrated and god awful. Where do I start? This is one ride where the line to get on is just as bad as the line to get off. Driving on the 5 Freeway to get to the park isn't as badly overcrowded as the "freeway" on this ride at the end. Plus the ride itself takes away the fun of the fantasy of driving. Kids don't fantasize about keeping a safe following distance (something the ride forces you to do), obeying a slow speed limit, and waiting. It's not that fun of a ride. Oh, and by the way, it uses gas too. So it not only sucks as a ride, it also pollutes.
3) Finding Nemo: Underwater Submarine Voyage
What it's rated as: A reimagining of a classic Disney ride. An update that banks on a major Disney/Pixar property. A ride that takes CGI and makes it real. Oh, and it's the longest line in the park, occasionally a not-at-all-exaggerated 3 hour wait. Not even a Dream Fast Pass gets you out of waiting for this one.
Let me also say this. I'm a kid at heart. I go around Disney wearing a pirate Mickey hat. I do a different voice for each different ride. But there's a point where even I say grow up. Stay away from this ride if you're in college... please?
2) Indiana Jones Adventure
What it's rated as: One of the best rides in Disneyland. Immersive, exciting, adventurous. It's based on one of the best action heroes on the silver screen. The generally long wait time is a good indication of what people think.
Why it made this list: This is a case of a ride being solid but not spectacular. Overrated, but not overly boring. To get the positive points out of the way: Yes, this ride is really immersive. Disney added plenty of little touches to this ride that engage and envelop the rider. The line queue is done in the style and accordance with the rest of the temple and a temple theme. The special handicapped elevators that nobody really sees are fully themed. The ride intro and safety video matches the ride in beautiful black and white. The ride feels like a jeep traveling through a temple. Even when the ride breaks down, the vehicle still bucks and stops and starts like a stalling old car would. These little touches are inspired and are to be commended.
However, this ride is highly overrated for a few reasons. 1) Animatronic Indy looks stupid. He's jerky and unconvincing. Is it the best they could've done at the time? Maybe... but that doesn't mean it's good enough. If they can do Jack Sparrow on Pirates well, they can do Indy well too. 2) It's not really a big time thrill
Overall the ride doesn't live up to its billing as an elite Disneyland ride.
1) Splash Mountain

What it's rated as: The ultimate flume ride. Themed as a briar patch, and following the story of Brer Rabbit from the controversial Song of the South. It is a great way to cool off, have a quick thrill, and (briefly) sing along with the always inspiring Zippa De Doo Dah. It is a big thrill ride, has the wait time and popularity to prove it, despite being stuffed in a relatively remote corner of the park. One of the best rides and the best water ride at Disneyland.
Why it's on this list: Anyone who has been to Disneyland with me before is shocked with this selection. I have done nothing but rave about this ride in the past. But a lot of this list is about putting emotion aside and really looking at a ride. I think Splash Mountain has managed to be as highly acclaimed of a ride as it is, because it uses audio-based mind control to distract from the ride's shortcomings as a basic flume ride. This ride may have the catchiest soundtrack of any ride I've ever been on. The simple phrase from one of the songs "Gotta be movin' along" was repeated ad nauseum for weeks after I rode on the ride. The crocodile who asks you to "Take him along" has this booming bass voice that gets stuck in your head. The songs are lyrically simple, catchy as hell, and ultimately, deceptive. I have no problem with a ride being both a great water ride and a musical of sorts.
But the songs distract from the fact that it's not truly a great flume ride. The pictures showing you in free fall on the log distract you from the fact that it's not truly a great flume ride. If you really look at it, the water ride element of this water ride is substandard. In my mind, a water ride has three major objectives. 1) Get you wet. 2) Give you a decent thrill. 3) Get you really wet. The ride gives you a solid thrill on the main drop and even a little bit on the dip
On a side note, the ride makers were kind of assholes. They have this sign post towards the end with one path going towards Doo Dah Landing and another going to Catfish Bend. Sadly, there is no choice, the ride makes you go and only tantalizes you with the possibility of singing catfish. Jerks.
Pirates of the Caribbean (It should probably be on this list, but I couldn't bring my pirate-y heart to do it. Plus, it has an upscale restaurant in the middle of the ride, how badass is that? If the Blue Bayou counts as part of this ride, no way is it overrated.)
Star Tours (The ride's age is starting to show a bit...)

The Maliboomer (Screw you, this ride is one of the greatest concentrated thrills you can get at any Disney park. 180 feet in four seconds + cast members who screw with your mind. Disney's wrong for removing it.)
Anything in Fantasyland (I don't think anything there's rated that highly by most people in my age range anyway)
Mullholland Madness (One of the most underrated rides in the either park actually. It's a little short lengthwise, but I have never felt more unsafe on a ride than on this one. The ride also subtly messes with your mind. There is no greater thrill/fear on a ride than the idea that you may be suddenly tossed off the edge. Disney tucked it away in a back corner of the park, and it doesn't get much love... but I think this is a must-ride.)
That's all for this week! I may or may not post something else on Sunday. Either way expect a new, sports-related top 5 sometime next weekend.
Thanks for reading!
The Maliboomer (Screw you, this ride is one of the greatest concentrated thrills you can get at any Disney park. 180 feet in four seconds + cast members who screw with your mind. Disney's wrong for removing it.)
Anything in Fantasyland (I don't think anything there's rated that highly by most people in my age range anyway)
That's all for this week! I may or may not post something else on Sunday. Either way expect a new, sports-related top 5 sometime next weekend.
Thanks for reading!
Hi There,
Interesting blog post! I’m a big Disney fan and have been to their resorts in Orlando, Anaheim, and Paris. I wanted to share a few comments and thoughts I had on your list.
You are right on about “overrated”, it doesn’t mean bad, per se – it’s when your expectations aren’t met, in a negative way. Really, it’s the opposite of “surprise”. The higher the expectations and the lower the experience, the more overrated a ride is. I’m not sure that excluding 3D movies but considering line length is fair, but hey, it’s your blog. I’m not sure why you don’t consider the railroad or monorail as rides, especially when you look at the monorail system in Orlando. At Disneyland, by comparison, the monorail is a nice little diversion – not a critical mass transportation system.
Anyway, on to your list!
5) The Enchanted Tiki Room
I’m not sure why you consider old animatronics as over-rated. You know they’re old, right? You’re not expecting cyborgs, are you? I think given the technology of the 50’s, those racist birds and flowers and damn impressive, actually. True, by today’s standards this attraction is a joke, and really only appreciated for its nostalgia. But, I would hope that most people realize that going in. Hopefully they’re not expecting the overwhelming and intense immersion Disney eventually perfected, and are still able to enjoy the campy diversion for that it is. Heck, if people can do that for the Jungle Cruise, couldn’t they do that here? Besides, it’s such a great place to take a load off!
4) Autopia
Could not agree more. Enjoy this ride at your local amusement park and save the 40 minutes for something truly unique when you’re at Disneyland.
3) Finding Nemo: Underwater Submarine Voyage
I think if you are able to avoid waiting more than 30 or 45 minutes, you’ll really enjoy this one. I think the problem was that it was hyped SO MUCH. Not only was it a new ride, not only was it the return of the beloved subs, but it was NEMO. Boy, kids were amp’ed up more than if they had been chugging Mountain Dew.
I suppose I was lucky in that the ride had been opened and reviewed for a few months before I rode for the first time (Jan ’08). As long as you don’t anticipate a mind-blowing experience, you’ll enjoy it. It’s definitely not for thrill seekers, and if you don’t want some Disney nostalgia with a new theme, I will second your warning to steer clear.
2) Indiana Jones Adventure
This is a really tough one. I can see your issue about the physical ride experience lacking thrills, even being a bit unpleasant – but that’s not what this is supposed to be. This ride is all about immersion, and it’s hard to argue that it falls short of that in any way. It’s possibly the most richly themed and best executed ride in the park, and that’s saying a LOT.
I think the real issue with Indiana Jones is that it’s SO hard to categorize. It’s not really a thrill ride like Thunder Mountain, but not tame like Pirates. It’s kind of like the fantasyland dark rides, but with a much richer set design, and a much more intense ride experience. I think it’s so hard to compare that people put it in a league of its own. And while in some ways it is, that really doesn’t mean it’s inherently better – just different. As long as people go in expecting a richly designed dark ride that’s kind of bumpy, they’re going have a pretty good notion of what to expect.
1) Splash Mountain
Sorry, I have to disagree strongly on this one, and I’ll tell you why. I think you’re making a few incorrect assumptions.
You say, “it's not truly a great flume ride.” While that may be true, it should be clear that Disney isn’t going for the best “rides”. Look at Space Mountain. If you take it outside and put it in a parking lot like Six Flags does, you have “not a truly great" coaster. It’s about offering exhilarating experiences as part of a rich story. I think it’s hard to say Splash Mountain fails at that.
You say, “a water ride has three major objectives. 1) Get you wet. 2) Give you a decent thrill. 3) Get you really wet.” Well, that’s true in SOME cases, but not with Log Flumes. Comparing it to GRR is unfair, raft rides are specifically designed to get you pretty soaked, and if you head to Perilous Plunge at Knott’s, you’ll see how chute-the-chute rides get you drenched. But that’s not what log flumes are supposed to do. They’re designed to offer a nice splash while not leaving you waterlogged. Think about the dozens of log flumes out there and you’ll be hard pressed to find one that offers a significantly greater splash than Splash Mountain. Maybe you think that’s a shortcoming of log flumes in general, but it’s certainly not specific to this ride.
Soarin' Over California
Hmm, I’ve never had an issue with any seat after a dozen or so rides. This one was such a surprise (i.e., opposite of overrated) to me. I was expecting just another lame simulator, but this one finally got it right!
Pirates of the Caribbean
I don’t know how anyone could consider this a disappointment, unless they were expecting real pirates. This ride is the embodiment of Walt Disney.
Star Tours
Heh, this ride SHOULD be on your list!
The Maliboomer
I wouldn’t say this ride is overrated, because I don’t expect much from an S&S Space shot. I’m just disappointed Disney would add a ride with so little uniqueness.
Mullholland Madness
See my comments for Maliboomer. Can’t be disappointed by a ride you don’t expect much from, just sad Disney put in a cookie-cutter ride.
Anything in Fantasyland
Hard to knock fantasyland, I think people know what to expect here. Save for Dumbo. I’m not letting my eventual kid waste time on this.
My top overrated:
1. Star Tours
2. Autopia
3. Dumbo
4. Astro Orbiter
5. Buzz Lightyear
My top underrated:
1. Monster’s Inc.
2. Roger Rabbit Toontown spin
3. Alice in Wonderland
4. Jungle Cruise
5. Winnie the Pooh
I just want to smack you when you say that the Disneyland Railroad and the Monorail are not rides when they do provide a relaxing ride as well as transportation in and around the park. And why have the Enchanted Tiki Room be overrated when Honey, I Shrunk the Audience would be perfect on that list?
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